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comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Section - [5] What is being revised?

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Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
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Next Document: [6] When does the TC meet?
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The Technical Committee voted to revise the ANS Forth standard with a
limited agenda:

        (a) Withdrawal of "obsolescent words"

        (b) Ratification of "clarifications"

        (c) Support for embedded and ROMable systems

        (d) Support for internationalisation and extended characters

        (e) Clarifications to the Standard, with the proviso that
            proposals will be considered under this item that clarify
            the language of the Standard to reflect the original intent
            of the TC, without making a substantive technical change. 

Note the (c) & (d) were requested by the ISO Fast Track process.  The
committee is not obligated to consider proposals falling outside this
agenda without first voting to extend it.  This requires a 2/3 vote of
the Committee.

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Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Previous Document: [4] Where can I purchase the standard?
Next Document: [6] When does the TC meet?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM