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comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Section - [11] What is the ANSI Process?

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Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
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Next Document: [12] What is the ISO "Fast Track" Process?
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The ANSI process requires that four-years after the standard has been
approved the standard may be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn.

The Technical Committee receive a number of proposals to change the text
of the ANS Forth document, which they will vote on.  When the TC are
happy with the revised document it is published as a draft report for
public comment. The TC must then review the comments and either publish a
new draft or submit the draft for approval by the NCITS.  It can take a
year between the TC submitting a draft for approval and the standard
being published.

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Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Previous Document: [10] What are Technical Groups?
Next Document: [12] What is the ISO "Fast Track" Process?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM