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Convergence International, the non-Wintel user group, FAQ v2.30
Section - 3. Why was Convergence International created?

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Top Document: Convergence International, the non-Wintel user group, FAQ v2.30
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Next Document: 4. What do you mean by "non-Wintel"?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
   We believe that if a time comes when one single platform is the only
 one in use the computer industry will suffer. Without competition there
 is stagnation, and no one platform can hope to be best suited to
 _every_ task. While there are alternatives development is spurred on
 by competition, and people are free to choose the platform which best
 suits their needs.

  Unfortunately we are coming increasingly close to a single platform
 dominating the computing world, Microsoft Windows running on an Intel
 CPU. More and more people are simply unaware that there are any viable
 alternatives, and so use the so called industry standard platform.

  And so we formed Convergence, to provide information to re-educate
 people and show that there is more to computing than a single operating
 system and a single processor, and to support users of alternative

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Top Document: Convergence International, the non-Wintel user group, FAQ v2.30
Previous Document: 2. What is Convergence International?
Next Document: 4. What do you mean by "non-Wintel"?

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James Sears <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM