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[rec.arts.comics] XBOOKS FAQ: Read Before Posting
Section - Subject Lines and SPOILERS / SPOILERSPACE

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Top Document: [rec.arts.comics] XBOOKS FAQ: Read Before Posting
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*Please* use concise and informative subject lines, which reflect the
subject of your post, *without* giving away any just-published info
that would spoil it for anyone who didn't pick up her books yet. That
way, interested readers can find the subjects they want to read, the
subjects they want to save for later, and the ones they want to avoid.

   * If it didn't occur *in the books* at least two weeks ago, DON'T 
     post it without using SPOILERS. 

   * Use the word SPOILERS in the subject line to indicate that your 
     post has plot-sensitive information in it. Even if you're talking 
     about info from Previews/Wizard/X-Fan/letter columns, you can't 
     assume that all readers will have seen the info, or that they 
     *want* to know the info. 

   * If you just read issue #712 and learn that Cyclops dies, don't put:
     "Cyclops dies!  SPOILERS!"  in the header, because that gives away 
     all the info!  Instead, try:  "X-Men #712 Cyclops SPOILERS".  That 
     way, posters who can't get their books for a few days can avoid it.

   * When you write your actual post, tell us the issue number and remind 
     us that your post includes SPOILERS. Then, hit return twenty-four 
     times (one screenful of space) so that there's a whole bunch of 
     white space between the beginning of the post and the actual 
     spoilers, so a reader can see that there are spoilers ahead. You 
     can fill the space with silly quotes if you want. :)

   * If you shift topics, say, from talking about Gambit to talking 
     about Kitty and Wolvie, just remember to change the Subject header 
     to reflect it. If it was:  "Re: Gambit is really unique"  change 
     it to:  "Kitty and Wolvie (was Re: Gambit is really unique)".  That 
     way, the people who like Kitty know that the discussion has gone 
     on to talk about her, and the Gambit fans won't have to endure 
     talk about Kitty in a thread labelled "Gambit is really unique."

NOTE:  REVIEW implies spoilers. Again, leave spoiler space intact.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM