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[rec.arts.comics] XBOOKS FAQ: Read Before Posting
Section - How To Post (Basic Netiquette)

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Top Document: [rec.arts.comics] XBOOKS FAQ: Read Before Posting
Previous Document: BEFORE Posting Your First Post to racmx...
Next Document: Where To Post (and it might not be to racmx)
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge

Please be concise when writing, and format your posts:

   * Turn off HTML encoding, MIME encoding, v-cards, attachments, and 
     the like, as usenet is an ASCII-text-only medium. If you need 
     help turning off the HTML, ask in news.newusers.questions.

   * Leave in the attributions and some of the previous poster's text,
     so we know who and what you're responding to.

   * Type a response *below* the quoted material you're responding to,
     so it reads like a conversation. Please don't top-post!

   * Delete the portions of the post that you aren't responding to,
     including the other person's .sig file, to save news server space.

   * Use paragraphs shorter than 24 lines, leave blank lines between
     paragraphs and after punctuation, and hit return after every 72 
     to 75 characters, so your posts are readable on any size monitor.

   * Use standard punctuation, capitalization, punctuation, and
     spelling, so your posts are easy to read.

   * Keep your own .sig file to fewer than eight lines (under four is
     best!), to save news server space.

The easier your posts are to read, the more people will read them. 

Please be nice to the other posters to the newsgroup. Remember, there 
*are* creators reading this newsgroup, so qualify your dislikes with 
specific details. Similarly, please don't flame others. Constructive 
criticism gets better results than insults.

Please send private responses over email. If you aren't sure if it 
should be said, take it to private e-mail. Better yet, don't post a
followup or email a reply at all.

Please make sure you're posting to the appropriate newsgroup(s) and 
delete any groups that are inappropriate. Make sure you post followups 
to the right newsgroup(s), or use email, if you really change topics.
Rule of thumb:  if it's covered in another rec.arts.comics.* group, it
is definitely off-topic. If there is no other forum for the discussion
posters tend to be slightly more tolerant of off-topicness.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: [rec.arts.comics] XBOOKS FAQ: Read Before Posting
Previous Document: BEFORE Posting Your First Post to racmx...
Next Document: Where To Post (and it might not be to racmx)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM