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Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Section - 2.12) What is a watermark?

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Top Document: Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Previous Document: 2.11) I found a Chinese banknote that is labelled "Hell", what is it?
Next Document: 3.1) I heard the US is changing its paper money, is this true?
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  Most countries have banknotes with watermarks.  The USA added a watermark
to its new $100 note in 1996 (and some people in the USA were curious if it
was some kind of subliminal message).

  A watermark is simply a design that's within the paper of the note itself
which can only be seen when viewing the note with a strong light behind it
(i.e. you can only see it when light is passing through the note).  Watermarks
are an effective, although very old, anti-counterfeiting device.



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Top Document: Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Previous Document: 2.11) I found a Chinese banknote that is labelled "Hell", what is it?
Next Document: 3.1) I heard the US is changing its paper money, is this true?

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Bruce Giese <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM