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[misc.immigration.canada] Frequently Asked Questions (02/98)
Section - 21. Can I change my US/UK/ Driver's Licence for a

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Top Document: [misc.immigration.canada] Frequently Asked Questions (02/98)
Previous Document: 20. I have a car and I want to import it into Canada, can I do it?
Next Document: 23. How long will it take to become a Canadian Citizen?
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Driver's licenses are under provincial juridisction, but generally
speaking, you'd have to pass a driving test and surrender your out of
province driving licence to get a Canadian one.  Depending on the province,
you can drive with your out of province DL for a period of 2 to 3 months.
There is an Ontario government Drivers and Vehicles FAQ at the URL:



Subject  22. What is the 183 Day rule?=20

The so-called 183-day rule is the requirement for a landed immigrant of
Canada to spend less than 6 months in any given 12 month period.  Staying
outside the country for more than 183 days might be interpreted by the
Canadian authorities as the abondanment of Canada as a place of residence
and might cause problems when you try to re-enter Canada after a long
absence.  One way to avoid this is to obtain a Returning Resident Permit.
(section 28)=20

A person will lose permanent resident status in Canada if and when he
abandons Canada as his permanent home.  A PR who remains outside of
Canada for many years (such as one attending school abroad) will
not lose PR status, if he still maintains Canada as his home.
Conversely, a PR who moves out of Canada without any intentions
of returning or maintaining his permanent home there loses his PR status
the day that he leaves.

The 183 day rule is used to determine who has the responsibility of
proving that a permanent resident has or has not abandoned Canada.
When a PR has been out of Canada for less than 183 days in any 12
month period, normally the burden of proving that PR status has been
lost falls on the Canadian government.  The government would have to
be able to clearly show that the person in question left Canada
and had no intentions of returning or retaining his PR status.

When a person is outside of Canada for more than 183 days in any
12 month period, the burden shifts from the government to the
immigrant.  He would have to be able to show that he has not
abandoned Canada as his permanent home.  Some of the ways that
a person can show that he has not abandoned Canada include
(but are not limited to):  Maintaining a house/apartment in Canada or
having immediate family members in Canada (and returning to visit them
when possible), maintaining bank accounts, NOT declaring yourself to be
a resident of another country, NOT declaring to anyone that you are
not a resident of Canada, continuing to file Canadian tax returns,
maintaining a Canadian issued driver's license, and finally, obtaining
a Returning Resident Permit.  Caution should be noted that a Returning
Resident Permit is not a guarantee, and that if other acts performed,
or statements made by a PR indicate that a person has abandoned Canada
as his permanent home, such status could be lost despite the RRP.
Remember, the RRP is issued on the basis of what you tell the
Canadian government, but your actions will also be looked at.
"Actions speak louder than words" and they tend to carry more
weight in such decisions.
(section 28)=20

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Top Document: [misc.immigration.canada] Frequently Asked Questions (02/98)
Previous Document: 20. I have a car and I want to import it into Canada, can I do it?
Next Document: 23. How long will it take to become a Canadian Citizen?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM