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LIST: Sherlock Holmes Illustrated
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These additions were cataloged by Leslie Klinger:

"Who Dunnit?," Beano Comic Library, No. 194 (1990), D. C. Thomson & Co.,
England (w/Dennis the Menace as S.H.)

Slylock Fox and Friends, Chester, IL, numerous issues

Holmes for the Holidays, Chester, IL, numerous issues

Timewankers, No. 3 (Mar. 1991), Eros Comix, Seattle, WA (1991)

Adrian, Jack, "Great Detective Caper," Pts. I and II, 2000 A. D., #289
(Nov. 6, 1982), and 290 (Nov. 13, 1982).

Barr, Mike W., Davis, Alan, and Neary, Paul, "...My Beginning...and My
Probable End," Detective Comics, #574 (May 1987) (Batman is seen reading
ADVEN as a youth)

Bridwell, E. Nelson, and Newton, Don, "When Bancroft Fisher Dies,
Everybody Dies!," World's Finest, 42, No. 279 (May 1982) (Captain Marvel
meets S.H.)

Burkett, Cary, and Sutton, Tom, "Hell Hound of Brackenmoor!," House of
Mystery (D.C. Comics), 29, No. 271 (Aug. 1979)

Byrne, John, "What If the Fantastic Four Had Not Gained Their Powers?,"
What If?, 1, No. 36 (Dec. 1982) (Factor X, a Sherlockian robot, appears)

Collins, Max, and Beatty, Terry, "Unmasked," Ms. Tree, No. 48, Long
Beach, CA, Renegade Press (1988) (man in S.H. costume)

Conway, Gerald, and Bagley, Mark, "Wolves in the Night," Web of
Spiderman, 1, No. 53 (Aug. 1989) (Spiderman remarks that he doesn't
"need a deerstalker cap" to spot a clue)

Conway, Gerry, and Saviuk, Alex, "1,000 Words," Web of Spiderman, 1, No.
50 (May 1989) (Spiderman uses the idea of a fire from SCAN and mentions
that he took it from a SH story)

"Adventures of Sheerluck Goof!," Walt Disney's Goofy Adventures, No. 16
(Aug. 1991), Walt Disney Productions

Harris, Jack C., Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (D. C. Comics), 6, No.
52 (Aug.-Sep. 1977); 6, No. 53 (Oct.-Nov. 1977); 6, No. 54 (Dec.
1977-Jan. 1978); 7, No. 565 (Feb.-Mar. 1978); 7, No. 56 (Apr.-May 1978);
7, No. 57 (Jun.-Jul. 1978); 7, No. 58 (Aug.-Sep. 1978); 7, No. 59
(Oct.-Nov. 1978) ("Bloodstalker," a pipe-smoking deerstalker-wearing
hound is a major character)

Hitchcock, Laura, "Strange Case of the Missing Mermaid Costume," Muppet
Babies, 1, No. 13 (May 1987) (Star Comics)

Mantlo, Bill, "Maltese Cockroach," Howard the Duck (Marvel Comics
Group), 1, No. 4 (Mar. 1980)

Pimple, Dennis J., and Florence, Richard W., "Arthur 'Sherlock' Jones
Wrestling Detective in Death Grip," Steel Pulse, No. 1 (Spring 1986),
True Fiction Publications

This addition is from

Who's Who #12, under the entry Kid Eternity, refers to a story
where Captain Marvel, Jr. teams up with Sherlock Holmes to fight
Captain Nazi. Ths story may have appeared in

Master Comics #27, Jun 1942, reprinted in Special Edition Series #3, 1975
(Captain Nazi in London).


Captain Marvel, Jr. #13, Nov 1943, available from Michigan State University
Archives ("Case of the Missing Briefcase").

If anyone knows with certainty, please let me know. Thanks.

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