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Section - 5-2. Where can I get good beer?

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Top Document: FAQ [3/3] (revised 16-MAY-1997)
Previous Document: 5-1. Were can I get more beer info and tasting tips?
Next Document: 5-3. I'm going to "some city", what brewpubs/bars are good?
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     In most parts of the world, just go to any place that serves beer and
     ask for it. In North America, micro-breweries and brewpubs are the
     best places to get freshly brewed, finely crafted beer. But they
     aren't everywhere, yet.

     Many bars and restaurants are beginning to offer high quality beers
     on tap and in bottles. Don't fall into the trap of asking for an
     "import" when you want a good beer! The market today is such that you
     could easily end up with a very disappointing import while missing a
     truly wonderful domestic. Always, always, always ask to see a beer
     list. Servers are not always educated in beer lore and may
     misinterpret what you are looking for in a good beer.

     Most liquor stores carry a good selection of bottled beers. Many
     major grocery chains are also beginning to carry remarkable

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Top Document: FAQ [3/3] (revised 16-MAY-1997)
Previous Document: 5-1. Were can I get more beer info and tasting tips?
Next Document: 5-3. I'm going to "some city", what brewpubs/bars are good?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Single Page

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John Lock <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM