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Section - 4-9. Where is Sam Adams beer made?

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Top Document: FAQ [3/3] (revised 16-MAY-1997)
Previous Document: 4-8. Is Guinness good for you?
Next Document: 4-10. Why does American beer suck?
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     As the largest contract brewer in the U.S., Boston Brewing Co. uses
     several breweries around the country to make the various Sam Adams
     beers. This info is accurate as of JAN-95.

     Boston, MA
          AKA Jamaica Plain. Former Haffenreffer brewery, a company-owned
          facility brewing the Boston Ale and doing R&D work on other
     Pittsburgh, PA
          Pittsburgh Brewing Co. brews the largest portion (by volume) of
          Sam Adams beers, mostly lagers for eastern distribution.
     Lehigh Valley, PA
          Stroh Brewery Co. brews the ales for eastern distribution.
     Portland, OR
          Blitz-Weinhard Brewing Co. (owned by G. Heileman). Most Sam
          Adams brews for western distribution.
     Nagold, Germany
          A Gambrinus brewery brews the Boston Lager for the European

     The relationship with F.X. Matt of Utica, NY has ended and Sam Adams
     beers are no longer made there. There is also a Sam Adams brewpub in
     Philadelphia, PA which brews ales from malt extract recipes. Also,
     FYI, the Sam Adams Triple Bock was brewed at the Jamaica Plain
     facility and then shipped to Bronco Winery in Ceres, CA for aging in
     their vats.

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Top Document: FAQ [3/3] (revised 16-MAY-1997)
Previous Document: 4-8. Is Guinness good for you?
Next Document: 4-10. Why does American beer suck?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM