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[alt.backrubs] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQL), (3/5)
Section - Is there anything I can do about my tired hands?

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Top Document: [alt.backrubs] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQL), (3/5)
Previous Document: How do I get oils?
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apply lots of pressure (see the `deep.back' and `knots' files in the
archive, which is the subject of question 5.1.2) you should lean into the
massage and let your weight provide much of the pressure.  The `weak.arms'
file in the archive is also of interest.
        Don't be afraid to use other parts of your body than just your
hands for variety.  I've had great success using my forearms and wrists.
The palms and heel of the hand are commonly used for certain light and deep
strokes respectively.  Some people like to use their feet but must be very
careful not to apply too much pressure.  The variety of strokes and
pressure that can be achieved by using other parts of the body can be a
blessing to both the recipient and giver.  The `with.feet' file in the
archive contains some discussion of these points.
        You can prevent your hands from getting tired by strengthening them
through regular exercise (see the `finger.excer' file in the archive).  The
archive contains information about massages you, or others, can give to your
aching hands too (see `finger.excer', `hand&neck', `wrist.pain' to start).
Jamie Blustein  `No trees were destroyed to make this post'   <>
                 The disclaimer is the subject of question 0.6
               See also
    This document is archived in

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Top Document: [alt.backrubs] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQL), (3/5)
Previous Document: How do I get oils?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM