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[alt.backrubs] FTP archive site
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Top Document: [alt.backrubs] FTP archive site
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
answers) is posted every 14 days to alt.backrubs, news.answers and
alt.answers.  It contains lots of useful information.  You can retrieve the
FAQL using Anonymous FTP from the site (it is in the directory 
`pub/usenet/news.answers/backrubs').  Hopefully, we will soon return to
fortnightly postings.


        If you don't know what Anonymous FTP is then I suggest you read the
article entitled `Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet' that
is regularly posted to the news.announce.newusers and news.answers
newsgroups.  For more information about Anonymous FTP or how to retrieve
files from FTP sites using only a mailserver see the Anonymous FTP FAQL (see
below).  The file `00README' in the archive contains some information about
programs to reverse compression for Apple Macintosh computers.
        The Anonymous FTP FAQL is posted regularly to the following 8
newsgroups: alt.sources.wanted, comp.archives, comp.archives.admin,
comp.sources.wanted, news.newusers.questions, alt.answers, comp.answers,
and news.answers.  It is also stored in the FTP site in file
        Using a mailserver to retrieve compressed files from the archive
(all the files, except the zero length ones and `00README', are compressed)
will probably require the use of another decoding program (atob or
uudecode).  Both programs are widely available and almost certainly
installed at any multiuser site.  FTP mailservers might be able to use the
automatic uncompress feature at the UWO site.  I haven't tried it so I
can't say for sure.  The mailservers are intended for people who cannot use
an interactive FTP program.  So the mailservers can continue to provide
that service, you should use them only if you cannot use another method.
        If your only access to the 'net is by mail then you will likely be
interested in `Doctor Bob's Guide to Offline Internet Access'.  That guide
is posted regularly to the following 8 newsgroups:,, alt.bbs.internet, alt.answers, comp.mail.misc,
comp.answers, news.newusers.questions, news.answers with Subject `Accessing
the Internet by E-Mail FAQ'.  It is also stored in the FTP
site in file `pub/usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email'.

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Next Document: `The simplest way to put it, Doc: I've got problems.'

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM