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[alt.backrubs] FTP archive site
Section - Computer Technical Details

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Top Document: [alt.backrubs] FTP archive site
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
sites.  The main site is  Mirror images of the archive are
kept at SunSite USA (, SunSite Japan (,
and Lysator (  Information about the FTP sites is
summarized in the chart below.  For information about FTP consult the
section entitled `See Also'.


   FTP: <URL:

   WWW: <URL:

   Special        If you send e-mail to you will be
   Instructions:  sent information about how to use the many services
                  Sunsite provides.   

   Located in:    North Carolina, USA (GMT -5)

   FTP: <URL:

   WWW: <URL:

   Located in:    Tokyo, Japan (GMT +19)
   Contact: or 
                  use <URL:>

   FTP: <URL:>

   WWW: <URL:

   Located in:    Link\"oping, Sweden (GMT +1)
   Directory:     pub/news/alt.backrubs  

   Special        * Please connect during off-peak hours (between 7pm and
   Instructions:    7am).  The server is in the Eastern timezone which is 
                    5 hours behind GMT during standard time.
                  * Read about the special access features (including
                    automatic uncompression) in the pub/README file.

   FTP: <URL:>

   WWW: <URL:>

   Located in:    Ontario, Canada (GMT -5)


        Most of the files in the archive have been encoded by the Free
Software Foundations GNU product gzip.  The compressed files all have `.gz'
at the end of their names.  These files cannot be read normally without
first being decoded.  These files are smaller so they take less storage
space and can be transferred over networks faster.  All FTP sites (and FTP
mailservers) provide a way to transfer the compressed files.  Some FTP
sites provide a method to decode files as they are being sent, is one such site.  For information about the automatic
decompression feature at the site read the file
~ftp/pub/README at that site -- the file is only at that site because the
file is not part of the alt.backrubs archive.
        If you want to transfer the (smaller) compressed versions of the
files to your site, for decoding, the transfer must be in binary form and
you'll need gunzip or a similar program to read the files.  The file
`00README' in the archive contains information about where you can obtain
the program.  It is the only file in the archive that is not compressed or
solely for indexing.
        The files are in mailbox format (so you can read them as ordinary
text files or use any standard mail reader to treat them as a list of mail
messages).  See the section entitled `See Also' for pointers to information
about FTP and FTP-by-mail.


        There is World Wide Web access to the archive at the following
  Mirror in USA

  Mirror in Japan

  Mirror in Sweden

  Main site in Canada

        When you connect you can read the category list (Archive.Index) and
follow links from the files listed there to their descriptions in the
Abstracts list.  From the Abstracts list you can go right to the compressed
files.  Those users with browsers that automatically uncompress files for
reading (it's very easy to do, I'm surprised more browsers don't do this
yet) will be able to read the files directly.
        If you see something wrong with any part of the WWW interface
please send me ( a note with the details.


        This post is automagically posted, every 30 days to alt.backrubs,
and alt.answers by the MIT faqserver.  Hopefully soon, it will be posted
every 10 days to alt.backrubs as it used to be.
        Significant change to the archive may also be announced in
comp.archives.  Postings to comp.archives may be duplicated in alt.answers
and news.answers but will not be cross-posted as this causes problems at
the MIT archive.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM