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Toyota RAV4 FAQ
Section - 3.2.13) What should I use to wash & wax my RAV4?

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Top Document: Toyota RAV4 FAQ
Previous Document: 3.2.12) Can I add a remote to my RS3000 security system?
Next Document: 3.2.14) How can I touch up scratches/chips on my RAV4?
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Wash your RAV4 regularly with a mild detergent designed for cars.
Dishwashing soap, like Ivory or Dawn, is fairly mild and works 
pretty well, although some people do not recommend using a dish 
soap.  Any harsh soap or ammonia based cleaner will remove the 
wax from your finish and leave it looking dull.

To keep your car's finish looking nice, avoid automatic car washes;
the soap tends to be harsh, the brushes and strands may not have
been thoroughly cleaned after the previous car went through, and 
even touchless car washes hit your car with a lot of (water) pressure.
They don't clean well underneath or in the crevices of the car.
Unfortunately there may be no alternative in the winter.

There are any number of high quality polishes and waxes available for 
automotive finishes.  Some that are mentioned/recommended frequently
include Zymol <>, Autofom <>, 
and Meguiars <>.  Most folks suggest 
waxing at least 3-4 times per year to protect the finish.

According to some people, you shouldn't wax your car until at least 
two months after manufacture, because waxing too early doesn't allow
the paint enough time to cure.  This should not be an issue with
cars that have a clear coat finish.

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Top Document: Toyota RAV4 FAQ
Previous Document: 3.2.12) Can I add a remote to my RS3000 security system?
Next Document: 3.2.14) How can I touch up scratches/chips on my RAV4?

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Ralph Becker <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM