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Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 8.12) What programs require more than 64K RAM?

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 8.11) What programs support more than 64K RAM?
Next Document: 8.13) What voice/sound synthesis software is there for the Atari?
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This section by Andreas Koch -- version 3.6 from June 2008 
The following Atari 8Bit programs require more than 64k RAM, and thus 
do not work at all (or not alright/bug-free) on standard 64k machines:   
a) "Tools" that require more than 64k RAM: 
128k Memory Testers      (quite many programs, 64k XRAM, block E),  
130XE Bank/Mem.-Testers  (quite many programs, 64k XRAM, block E),   
130XE Sectorcopiers      (quite many programs, 64k XRAM, block E), 
130XE Utilities          (HAPS PD 0031, 64k XRAM, block E),  
192k Memory Testers      (some PD programs, 128k XRAM, blocks AE),  
256k Memory Testers      (Newell, ICD, etc., 192k XRAM, blocks ACE),  
320k Mem. Testers 8ACE   (Atari Mag., TOMS, etc., 256k XRAM, blocks 8ACE), 
320k Mem. Testers 26AE   (Compy-Shop, etc., 256k XRAM, blocks 26AE),  
576k Memory Testers      (Peterson, TOMS, etc., 512k XRAM, blocks 8ACE),  
1088k Memory Testers     (Newell, TOMS, etc., 1MB XRAM, blocks 02468ACE),  
4160k Memory Tester      (Newell, 4MB XRAM, blocks 0123456789ABCDEF), 
APC Archiver 1.x         (LBS/APC, 256k XRAM, 8ACE only!),   
APC Packer 1.x           (LBS/APC, 256k XRAM, 8ACE only!),  
A. W. P. Super Menu      (Ken Siders, min. 64k XRAM, block E), 
A. W. P. XE Super Menu   (Ken Siders, min. 192k XRAM, blocks ACE),   
Audio/Studio Master      (Mirage/ANG, 256k XRAM, 26AE only?),  
Boot Majster             (Electron, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Boss X [Vers. 10.x]      (M. Sobe, with any DOS min. 64k RAMdisk, block E; 
with MyDOS 4.x it supports up to 1MB RD, subdirs and up to 16MB HD part.),  
Boss XE [Vers. 8.x]      (M. Sobe, with any DOS min. 64k RAMdisk, block E; 
with Turbo-DOS or MyDOS 4.5x it supports bigger RAMdisks, but no subdirs!), 
CAD XE                   (HAPS PD 0350, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Diskettenverwaltung XE   (ABBUC PD 86, 64k XRAM, block E), 
Draw XE                  (ABBUC PD 387, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Dream Vision             (ABBUC PD 480, 192k XRAM, blocks ACE?),  
Fraktale & Colorprint    (P. Woetzel, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Grafik Zeilen Editor     (HAPS PD 0296, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Hires Dump               (ABBUC PD 113, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Inertia 3.x              (MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up to 
                          256k XRAM, AE/ACE/26AE/8ACE with almost any DOS), 
Inertia 4.x              (MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up to 
                          1024k XRAM - all possible bank combinations!),  
Macro Assembler XE       (T. Karwoth, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Macro Assembler XE+      (T. Karwoth, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up 
                          to 1024k XRAM - all possible bank combinations!),  
Masher XE                (???, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up to  
                          256k XRAM: AE/ACE/8ACE),  
Menu 130                 (Les Howarth, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Midi Mate III            (Hybrid Arts, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Monitors, Debuggers, ... (HAPS PD 0109, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Multi DOS 130            (Kuchera/Excellent, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Multi DOS 320            (Kuchera/Excellent, 256k XRAM, 8ACE only!),  
Multi Tasking OS         (???, min. 64k XRAM, block E),  
MTOS 256                 (Tom Hunt, 192k XRAM, blocks ACE),  
MTOS XE                  (Tom Hunt, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Neo-Tracker 1.x          (Epi, min. 64k XRAM, block E; under MyDOS 4.5x  
or Sparta DOS X cart. it supports up to 1MB XRAM, all bank combinations!)  
Newspaper Editor         (HAPS PD 0294, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Protracker 1.5           (MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up to  
                          256k XRAM: AE/ACE/8ACE/26AE),  
Rechnen fuer Kinder      (ABBUC PD 85, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Rund um die RAMdisk      (ABBUC PD 383, HAPS PD 1084, contains info texts  
and pgms. for upgrading the 800 or XL/XE and testing its XRAM up to 1 MB;  
the docs use English language and provide detailed information for Axlon  
compatible 800 XRAM and Newell/Buchholz/Peterson compatible XL/XE XRAM),  
Sample Art XE            (Mozart/WSL, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up  
to 1024k XRAM, all bank combinations, alas the program is faulty/buggy!),  
Shrink XE                (P. Fitzsimmons, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Snapshot                 (???, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Tape RAMdisk Drivers     (Pokey, SAG, etc., 64k XRAM, block E),  
Text 130                 (B. Russmann, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Textpro "+" [e.g. 4.54+] (Ronnie Riche, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Textpro 5.x              (Ronnie Riche, 64k XRAM, block E),  
The Code Cruncher 2.x    (Soused Teat, min. 64k XRAM, block E),  
The Code Cruncher 3.x    (Soused Teat, min. 64k XRAM, block E),  
The Cruncher 5.x         (MSL/Magnus, min. 64k XRAM, block E),  
The Small Printery       (W. Lojek, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up  
                          to 1024k XRAM, all bank combinations!),  
The [Sparta DOS] Wedge   (Ed Bachmann, 64k XRAM, block E, sep. Antic!),  
The Works                (Tom Hunt, min. 64k XRAM, block E),  
Wuerttemberger Disk      (ABBUC PD 361, HAPS PD 1050, 64k XRAM, block E;  
mainly/only because side 2 contains the XE version of Gizmo's castle),  
XL-2                     (J.K. Picken, min. 64k XRAM, block E; under MyDOS 
                          or Sparta DOS it supports up to 1024k XRAM !),  
Zeitungsredakteur        (ABBUC PD 121, 64k XRAM, block E); 
b) "Games" that require more than 64k RAM:  
Castle of Blackthorne    (T. Graef, 64k RD, block E),  
Cavepack XE              (XE-version by K. Ezcan, 64k RD, block E),  
Computer Baseball        (D. Blackwell, 64k XRAM, block E), 
Der Neffe                (XE-version by ???, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Gizmo's Castle           (XE-version by M. Kugler, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Kaiser II                (128k version by C. S., 64k XRAM, block E), 
Kaiser II                (320k version by C. S., 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE),  
Minesweeper 1-4          (4 versions by J.R. Chicko, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Mister X                 (S. Soelbrandt, 64k RD, block E),  
Oelbaron                 (XE-version by ???, 64k RD, block E),  
Space Harrier            (C. Hutt, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Strategy Baseball        (HAPS PD 0302, 64k XRAM, block E),  
T-34 the Battle          (ANG, 64k XRAM, block E),
Yie Ar Kung Fu           (???, 256k XRAM, blocks ???, get the latest
versions from Fandal`s or Homesoft`s homepage...),  
Zargon XE                (ABBUC PD 611, HAPS PD 0485, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Please note, that hackers, crackers and pirates also made file versions  
of (most of) the XE / XEGS 64k and 128k carts available. Due to cart. 
bankswitching, a 64k XL/XE was enough for these super-carts; not so with 
the file versions, they do (mostly) require more than 64k memory... 

Next, there are also "un-official" (pirated, hacked, cracked, patched)  
cart. versions of former disk-based games, that require XRAM, which they  
originally did not (example: Conan, the multi-stage disk-version by  
Datasoft requires 64k RAM, whereas the single-stage version of the  
Sunmark multicart. req. 128k RAM). It is quite likely, that more games 
will occur in the Atari scene with the same behavior... 
c) "Demos" that require more than 64k RAM:  
130XE Artshow            (HAPS PD 0013, 64k XRAM, block E),  
130XE Autoshow           (HAPS PD 0637, ABBUC PD 191, 64k XRAM, block E),  
130XE Demo               (S.A.G., 64k XRAM, block E),  
130XE Impossible Demo    (R. Haegemann, 64k XRAM, block E),   
3D Scroll                (Jaskier/TQA, 64k XRAM, block E),  
American Natives         (Fox-1, 192k RD, RAMdisk = DOS dependant), 
Amiga Boink XE           (B. Armour, 64k XRAM, block E),   
Animkom. meet B. V.      (Animkomials + B.V., 64k XRAM, block E),  
(The) Asskicker          (Shadows, 64k XRAM, block E; hold Select!), 
Back to Life 2           (Jaskier/TQA, 256k XRAM, auto-setup!),  
Base 33                  (AIDS, 256k XRAM, hold SHIFT for setup!),  
Bill Pie Demo            (MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block E; supports up  
                          to 256k XRAM: AE/8ACE with more frames),  
BMW Animation            (Mirko Sobe, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Brull                    (Pin/Trs, 1MB XRAM for a sample demo), 
CES XE Demo              (full 580 sectors version by XANTH, 64k XRAM,  
block E; includes the Swan-, Fuji-Boink- and Robot-Demo all in one file!), 
Cogito Demo              (AIDS, uses blocks 8C, thus 8ACE only!),  
Critical Sounddemo       (Innovative, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Danielle (Gr.9) Ani      (B. Kendrick, 64k XRAM, block E),  
DoXEpin                  (AIDS, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Edelweiss Demo           (A.R.+C.S.S.+S.V.L., 256k XRAM, 26AE only!),  
Ergo Bibamus             (Quasimodos, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Extract Slideshow        (Replay/Bit Busters, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Fat Bottomed Girls       (???, 64k XRAM block E for a Queen sample), 
Forever 1ktro            (New Generation, 64k XRAM block E for a 1k demo), 
Forsaken Love            (New Generation, 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE; simply 
delete "BANKS.DAT", reboot and create a new one for your kind of XRAM!), 
Glasshead Demo           (A.R.+C.S.S., 256k XRAM, 26AE only!),  
Halle 1994: The Wormhole (Magic Arts, 256k XRAM, 26AE only!), 
Hardware Demo            (A.R.+C.S.S., 256k XRAM, 26AE only!),  
Igor Demo (Side A)       (MadTeam, 64k XRAM, block E - use 128k.BAT), 
Igor Demo (Side B)       (MadTeam, 128k XRAM, blocks AE - use 192k.BAT),  
Igor Demo (Side A+B)     (MadTeam, 256k XRAM, 8ACE only - use 320k.BAT),   
Imperial Sounddemo       (Innovative, 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE),  
Impossible but Real      (MacGyver, 192k XRAM, auto-setup!),  
Incredible               (Excellent, 64k XRAM, block E), 
Inside Out               (Taquart, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Isolation Demo           (M.E.C., 64k XRAM, block E),  
Journey Demo             (Boot version by Polynomials, min. 64k XRAM,  
                          block E; supports up to 256k XRAM: AE/8ACE),   
Journey Demo             (File version by MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block  
                          E; supports up to 192k XRAM: AE/ACE),  
Journey into Sound       (DGS / D. Garaghty, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Khai Et                  (AIDS, 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE, SHIFT for Setup!), 
Killer Whales Ani        (MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block E, supports up 
                          to 256k XRAM: AE/8ACE with more frames!),   
Landscape-XE Demo        (Karl Pelzer, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Manga Ani                (MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block E), 
Megablast Sounddemo      (DGS / D. Garaghty, 64k XRAM, block E),  
MTV's Danielle           = Danielle (Gr.9) Ani,  
Nascar Ani               (M. Sobe, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Nonjm Demo               (Tight, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Numen Demo               (Taquart, 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE, auto-setup!),  
Ogluszacz Sounddemo      (AIDS, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Owca Demo                (Animkomials, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Owca 2 Demo              (Animkomials, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Pacem in Terris          (Quasimodos, 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE, auto-setup),  
Parrot XMAS Demo         (A. Ramos, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Pedrokko Sounddemos      (a collection of 10 disks / 20 sides by Pedrokko,  
                          the player program assumes a 64k RD, block E),  
Raytracing Ani/128k      (K. Pelzer, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Raytracing 320k          (Elsni / S. Elsner, 256k XRAM, 8ACE only!),  
Raytracing 1088k         (Solocoder of A.C.E., 1024k XRAM, works only on  
K.P. 1MB Megaram III, 8 bootdisks, loading time approx. 17 minutes !!),  
Reditus Demo             (Zelax, 192k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE, auto-setup),   
Render Ani               (MadTeam, min. 64k XRAM, block E),  
Revenge of Hacker        (Rasero Team, 128k XRAM, blocks AE),  
Running Cow ASCII Ani    (MadTeam, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Sheol Demo               (Bit Busters, 256k XRAM, 8ACE only!),  
Shiny Bubbles            (XE version by B. Paul, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Stash 98 Demo            (Rasero Team, 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE via a buggy 
setup: 1) for 8ACE XRAM press A in the 1st or 2nd menu, 2) for 26AE press 
B in the 1st menu and C in the 2nd menu; don't use the CS auto-setup!), 
Starwars Demo            (A.R.+C.S.S., 256k XRAM, 26AE only!),  
The Wormhole             (Magic Arts, 256k XRAM, 26AE only!),  
Timekeep(er)             (New Generation, 256k XRAM, 8ACE only! wait!),  
Tit Demo                 (Mad Team, 192k XRAM, auto-setup!),  
Too Hard 3 Demo          (Animkomials, 128k XRAM, blocks AE),  
Too Hard 4 Demo          (Animkomials, 256k XRAM, auto-setup!),  
Total Dazed              (Tight, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Trabant Demo             (A.R.+C.S.S., 256k XRAM, 26AE only!),  
Trip 6                   (Shadows, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Turtles Demo             (Ultra Software, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Ultra Demo               (Taquart, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Ultra 2 Preview          (Taquart, 64k XRAM, block E, unfinished!),  
Vengeance                (Excellent, 64k XRAM, block E),  
Vent XE                  (Exc.+Pentagram, 64k XRAM, block E),  
WAF-Demo                 (W.A.F., diskside B = 64k XRAM, block E),  
Worms Demo               (Datri, 256k XRAM, 8ACE otherwise buggy!),  
X-Demo                   (MadTeam, 256k XRAM, 26AE),  
X-Files Ani              (MadTeam, 64k XRAM, block E),  
X-Files 2 (TV-Ani)       (MadTeam, 256k XRAM, 26AE & 8ACE),  
Xyberscape XE            (XE version by Bill Le Masurier, 64k XRAM, E), 
Zero Demo                (New Generation, 64k XRAM, block E); 
Thanks and credits for this subject go to Russ Gilbert, Bernhard Pahl,  
Ron Hamilton, Mathy van Nisselroy, Stephan Pollok and Miker for sharing 
their information with me. Any corrections and/or updates are welcome...  
-Andreas Koch 

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM