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Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 8.1) What programming languages are available for the Atari?

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This section is by Freddy Offenga, reproduced here by permission from:

additions/edits to this version by mc:
2009.02 edits: The BASIC Compiler; BASIC XE;
        Microsoft BASIC; Microsoft BASIC II; CLSN Pascal; Logo; PILOT;
        Action!, Kyan Pascal, Lightspeed C versions from Atari Explorer mags
2006.01.16 added: Xasm 3.0.0, 2005 from Piotr Fusik

Revision : 2.0
Date.... : 2005-2-20

The goal is to give information about all available languages
for the Atari 8-bit computer. This information includes:
title, last version, author, date and a short description.
It would also be nice to know how to get it and where to get
more information (like reference cards, reviews and such).

Maintainer: Freddy Offenga
Email : taf.offenga [at] (replace " [at] " with "@")
URL   :


There are quite a lot! To get some structure in this section it's
divided into the following categories;

        a) ASSEMBLER
        b) BASIC
        c) C
        d) PASCAL
        e) LISP
        f) FORTH
        g) PILOT
        h) LOGO
        i) All the rest

The following format is used:

    - Language title (medium)
      version, year  : version, year
      author/company : author/company
      available..... : where/how to get it
      package....... : programs, documentation
      features...... : main features

The question marks (?) indicate that more information is
required about that topic.

- The Multi-lingual Atari, Analog magazine 45, August 1986
- A bunch of manuals
- Some copy-pasted lines from the Atari 8-bit newsgroup
- umich (University of Michigan Atari archive)
- David Wyn Davies (PL65)
- Kevin Savetz (APX titles)
- Maury Markowitz
- Michael Current
- JT (ValForth)
- Andreas Koch
- Winston Smith
- Carsten Strotmann
- Brad Arnold

Revision history

- Added Atari Pilot info from Brad Arnold

- X-Assembler updated
- Added "QS FORTH" info from Winston Smith
- Added FORTH section work from Michael Current (thanks to Carsten Strotmann)
  (see also:
- Several updates in the assembler section

Thanks to Andreas Koch for these updates:
- Added "Mesa-Forth"
- Added "130XE Assembler 4.32"
- Updated "SynAssembler"

Thanks to Maury Markowitz for these updates:
- Updated "A BASIC Compiler"
- Added "Der BASIC Compiler", "MMG BASIC Compiler"
- Added "Frost BASIC", "TT-BASIC XL"

Synchronized with Atari 8-bit FAQ May-2002 :
- Added "X-Assembler"
- Added "CTH Fast Basic"
- Added availability for "Deep Blue C"
- Added availability for "Atari Pascal"
- Ignored changes "Kyan Pascal" (need more info)
- Updated "ValForth"
- Updated "Extended fig-Forth"
- Updated "fun-Forth"
- Added "Extended WSFN"
- Removed e-mail addresses
- Added availability for "A65"
- Updated "PL65"

1.0 .. 1.5
Changes not noted.
Old versions are available on request.


    - 130XE Makro Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 4.32, ?
      author/company : Torsten Karwoth
      available..... : freeware, ABBUC PD #297
      package....... : assembler, editor, menu, monitor,
                       batch enhancement, linker/packer
      features...... : macros
      Two pass 6502 assembler with integrated menu, editor
      and monitor shell for 128KB RAM Ataris. Source format
      is derived from Atmas Makroassembler.
    - 130XE+ Makro Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 2.2, 1992
      author/company : Torsten Karwoth
      available..... : freeware, ABBUC PD #368
      package....... : assembler, editor, menu, monitor,
                       batch enhancement, linker/packer
      features...... : macros
      New version with 128KB - 1088KB RAM support.
      Two pass 6502 assembler with integrated menu, editor
      and monitor shell. Needs extra RAM banks. Source
      format is derived from Atmas Makroassembler.

    - A65 (disk)
      version, year  : ?, 1989
      author/company : Charles Marslett, WORDMARK Systems
      available..... : abandonware,
      package....... : assembler, manual
      features...... : source include
      Two pass 6502 assembler. Source format is based on the
      Atari Macro Assembler. Assembler source included.

    - Alfasm, Turbo-Assembler/16 (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 1990
      author/company : Jeff Williams, DataQue Software
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, docs
      features...... : source include
      Two pass 6502/65816 assembler.

    - Assi (download)
      version, year  : 0.0.41, 2000
      author/company : MacFalkner
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, file linker
      features...... : source include, data include, code relocation
      Cross assembler for Win32. Source code is highly compatible with
      Atmas for the Atari.

    - Atari Assembler/Editor (cart)
      version, year  : ?, 1981
      author/company : Atari
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, monitor, manual
      features...... : -
      Two pass 6502 assembler with integrated editor/monitor

    - Atari Macro Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0C, 1981
      author/company : Atari, APX
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, debugger, manual
      features...... : macros, source include
      Two pass 6502 assembler.

    - ATasm (disk)
      version, year  : 0.92, 1999
      author/company : Mark Schmelzenbach
      available..... : umich
      package....... : assembler
      features...... : macros, source include, optionally target .XFD
      disk images and machine state files (Atari800 / Atari800Win),
      conditional assembly. Two pass 6502 portable cross assembler.
      Highly compatible with MAC/65.

    - Atmas Makroassembler (disk)
      version, year  : 2, 1985
      author/company : Peter Finzel, Hofacker
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, monitor, manual
      features...... : macros
      Two pass 6502 assembler with integrated editor/monitor.

    - Bibo Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 13/12/1986
      author/company : E.Reuss, Compy-Shop
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, monitor
      features...... : source include, data include
      Two pass 6502/65c02 assembler with integrated editor/

    - Datasm/65 assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 2.0, 1981
      author/company : DataSoft Inc.
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, menu, manual
      features...... : -
      Two pass 6502 assembler.

    - EASMD (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 1981
      author/company : OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, monitor
      features...... : -
      Two pass 6502 assembler with integrated editor/monitor.

    - Fast Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 1.5, 1995
      author/company : MMMG Soft
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, disassembler
      features...... : -

    - Kasm65 (disk)
      version, year  : 2.51, 1997
      author/company : Ken Siders
      available..... : shareware, umich
      package....... : assembler, editor, linker, docs
      features...... : macros, relocation, source include,
                       conditional assembly
      Two pass 6502 assembler. Relocatable object files are
      compatible with ra65. Source format is derived from
      the Atari Macro Assembler.

    - MAC/65 Macro Assembler (disk|cart)
      version, year  : 1.01, 1984
      author/company : Stephen D. Lawrow, OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - MAC/65 Macro Assembler (disk|cart)
      version, year  : 2.00, 1982
      author/company : Stephen D. Lawrow, OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, monitor, manual
      features...... : macros, source include
      Two pass 6502 assembler with integrated editor/monitor.
      Mac/65 is a direct descendant of the Atari Assembler/
      Editor (via EASMD).

    - MAC/65 Macro Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 4.20, 1994
      author/company : Stephen D. Lawrow, Fine Tooned Engineering
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - MAC/65 Macro Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 4.20 demo version, 1982
      author/company : Stephen D. Lawrow, OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - MAE (disk)
      version, year  : .96, 1996
      author/company : John Harris
      available..... : umich
      package....... : assembler, menu, editor, monitor, docs
      features...... : macros, source include, data include,
                       conditional assembly
      Two pass 6502/65816 assembler with integrated editor/
      monitor. Extra RAM supported.

    - NASM65 (disk)
      version, year  : ?, 1992
      author/company : Nat!
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, linker, librarian
      features...... : macros, relocation, source include
      One pass 6502 portable cross assembler (initially for
      the ST). Highly compatible with MAC/65.

    - PC-65 (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0 beta, 1996
      author/company : Jan Feenstra & Freddy Offenga
      available..... : -
      package....... : assembler
      features...... : macros, source include, data include,
                       boundary directive
      Two pass 6502 cross assembler for PC/DOS. The source
      format is highly compatible with the ST-65 assembler.

    - Quick Assembler (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 1990?
      author/company : JBW, Avalon?
      available..... : ?
      package....... : assembler, editor, menu, debugger
      features...... : source include
      Two pass 6502 cross assembler with integrated editor.
      Very user friendly menu environment.

    - Ra65 (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 1989
      author/company : John R. Dunning
      available..... : public domain, umich
      package....... : assembler, linker, librarian
                       part of cc65 (c-compiler)
      features...... : -

    - Synassembler (disk|cart)
      version, year  : 4.0, 1982
      author/company : Steve Hales, Synapse Soft
      available..... :
      package....... : assembler, editor, monitor, manual
      features...... : source include
      Two pass 6502 assembler.
      An Adaptation by Steve Hales of the S.C. Assembler II.

    - ST-65 (disk)
      version, year  : ?, 1991
      author/company : A. Stauffenberg, F. Offenga
      available..... : -
      package....... : assembler, menu shell, manual
      features...... : macros, conditional assembly,
                       source include, data include,
                       boundary directive
      Two pass 6502/65c02 cross assembler for the Atari ST
      written in 68000 assembly. As far as I know this is
      the first assembler with the boundary directive.

    - Xasm
      version, year  : 2.5.2, 2002
      author/company : Piotr Fusik
      available..... :
      package....... : assembler, docs
      features...... : conditional assembly, source include,
                       binary include, pseudo commands,
                       pseudo addressing modes
      Two pass 6502 cross assembler for PC/DOS. The source
      format is backward compatible with Quick Assembler.

    - Xasm
      version, year  : 3.0.0, 2005
      author/company : Piotr Fusik
      available..... :
      package....... : assembler, docs
      features...... : conditional assembly, source include,
                       binary include, pseudo commands,
                       pseudo addressing modes
      Two pass 6502 cross assembler for PC/DOS. The source
      format is backward compatible with Quick Assembler.


    - A BASIC Compiler (?)
      version, year  : 1.05, 1987
      author/company : Monarch Data Systems
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC compiler
      features...... : -

    - Advan BASIC (disk)
      version, year  : ?, ?
      author/company : Advan Language Designs
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC compiler
      features...... : -

    - Atari BASIC (cart)
      version, year  : Rev.C, 1983
      author/company : Atari
      available..... : standard ROM in Atari XL/XE
      package....... : BASIC interpreter, manual
      features...... : pretty plain BASIC implementation

    - Atari Microsoft BASIC (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 1981
      author/company : developed by Microsoft, published by Atari
      available..... : CX8126
      package....... : BASIC interpreter
      features...... : Based on the full language level of Microsoft BASIC

    - Atari Microsoft BASIC II (cart + extensions disk)
      version, year  : 2.0, 1983, c1982
      author/company : developed by Microsoft, published by Atari
      available..... : AX2025 box contains:
                       * Microsoft BASIC II Programming Language cart. RX8035
                       * Microsoft BASIC II Extension Diskette DX5046
                       * [User's Guide] C061251 REV. A (1982)
                       * Reference Manual C061257 REV. A (1983)
                       * Quick Reference Guide C061253 REV. A (1982)
      package....... : BASIC interpreter
      features...... : Based on the full language level of Microsoft BASIC
                       "Programs developed under the diskette-based version of
                       Atari Microsoft BASIC can be run using Atari Microsoft
                       BASIC II."

    - BASIC A+ (disk)
      version, year  : 3.05, 1981
      author/company : OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC interpreter
      features...... : -

    - The BASIC Compiler (disk)
      version, year  : 1.4, 1983
      author/company : Datasoft
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC compiler
      features...... : four-pass compiler; compiles Atari BASIC programs into
                       6502 machine language; produces DATASM compatible
                       assembler files

    - BASIC XL (cart)
      version, year  : ?, ?
      author/company : OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC interpreter
      features...... : -

    - BASIC XE (cart + extensions disk)
      version, year  : 4.1, 1985
      author/company : OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC interpreter
      features...... : requires XL/XE; supports 130XE extended memory

    - CTH Fast Basic (disk)
      version/year   : ?
      author/company : Tom Hunt/Closer to Home
      available.......: PD, Freeware or Shareware;
      package........: language plus several test files
                       and examples; English docs;
      features.......: faster than Atari Basic, not much
                       slower than TB, does not use RAM under OS;
      available at Tom Hunt's homepage or elsewhere...

    - Frost BASIC (?)
      version, year  : 1.04, 1985
      author/company : Frank Ostrowski, Happy Computer
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC interpreter, compiler
      features...... : -
      Version of Turbo Basic XL that runs on 48k machines (400/800).
    - MMG BASIC Compiler 2.0 (?)
      version, year  : 2.0, 1984
      author/company : Special Software Systems
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC compiler
      features...... : -
      It appears that this is a newer version of Der BASIC Compiler,
      licensed to some other company.

    - TT-BASIC XL (disk)
      version, year  : 2.11, 1985
      author/company : Frank Ostrowski, Happy Computer
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC interpreter, compiler
      features...... : -
      Published in the German magazine "Happy Computer".
      Appears to be a newer version of Turbo Basic XL.

    - Turbo Basic XL (disk)
      version, year  : 1.5, 1985
      author/company : Frank Ostrowski, Happy Computer
      available..... : ?
      package....... : BASIC interpreter, compiler (V1.1)
      features...... : -
      Published in the German magazine "Happy Computer".

c) C

    - ACE C (disk)
      version, year  : ?
      author/company : John Palevich & Ralph Walden
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      This is a newer version of 'Deep Blue C'.

    - C/65 (?)
      version, year  : ?
      author/company : OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      Probably derived from Dr.Dobbs "Small C". Compiles to 6502
      code which emulates the 8080 instruction set.

    - C65 (?)
      version, year  : ?
      author/company : Keith Ledbetter
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : good macro assembler
      This compiler does not support structs.

    - CC65 (disk)
      version, year  : 1989
      author/company : John R. Dunning
      available..... : umich archive,
      package....... : compiler, linker, assembler, librarian
      features...... : -
      Public domain compiler. Also used as cross compiler.
      Relocatable object linkage files, and the most thorough
      K&R C for the 8-bit. Comes with an relocatable assembler.

    - CC8 (disk)
      version, year  : 2.3
      author/company : John Palevich & Steve Kennedy
      available..... : ?
      package....... : Compiler
      features...... : -
      ACE C with more "real" C support (e.g. arrays of pointers
      to structs). Requires ACE C runtime libs and linker.

    - Deep Blue C (disk)
      version, year  : 1.2, 1982
      author/company : John Palevich, APX
      available..... :
                       Source code "Deep Blue Secrets" downloadable at
      package....... : Compiler, Linker
      features...... : -
      Deep Blue C was originally an independent product, but it
      then became available from APX. It converts C to pseudo-
      code and then interprets the pseudo code (8080 instruction
      set emulation).
      Drawn from Ron Cain's public domain C-compiler (Small-C).

    - DVC C (disk)
      version, year  : 1.05, 1985
      author/company : Ralph E. Walden
      available..... : ?
      package....... : Editor, Compiler, Optimizer, Linker
      features...... : Quite user friendly program
      The compiler generates special object files (.CCC)
      which can be optimized and linked. The package uses a
      special DOS called DVC DOS which contains runtime stuff.

    - Lightspeed C (disk)
      version, year  : 3.0, 1988
      author/company : Clearstar Softechnologies
      available..... : ?
      package....... : Compiler, Optimizer, Linker
      features...... : -
      Runs under CLI DOS's and MENU DOS's.
    - Tiny-C
      version, year  : ?
      author/company : OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      First sold C compiler by OSS. This compiler was used to
      compile itself! First true language "bootstrap" on any
      8-bit machine (it was also available for Apple and CP/M
      machines). Derived from Dr.Dobbs "Small C". Compiles to
      6502 code which emulates the 8080 instruction set.


    - Atari Pascal (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 1982
      author/company : APX
      available..... : APX-20102
      Information at
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      Needs two drives.

    - CLSN Pascal (disk)
      version, year  : 1989?
      author/company : CLSN Software
      available..... : ?
      package....... : editor, compiler
      features...... : generates 6502 machine code;
                       requires 128K XL/XE

    - Draper Pascal (disk)
      version, year  : 2.1, 1989
      author/company : Norm Draper
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - Kyan Pascal (disk)
      version, year  : 2.02, 1986
      author/company : Kyan Software
      available..... : ?
      package....... : editor, compiler, linker, macro-assembler
                       and manual
      features...... : -


    - INTER-LISP/65 (disk)
      version, year  : 2.1, 1981
      author/company : Special Software Systems, DataSoft
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - INTER-LISP/65 (disk)
      version, year  : 2.2, 1982
      author/company : Special Software Systems, DataSoft
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -


    - ES-FORTH
      version, year  : 1.2, 1984
      author/company : The English Software Company
      available..... : 
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      Seems to be based on fig-FORTH, but with some unique "Words".
      Works with normal DOS.

    - Extended fig-FORTH, (disk)
      version, year  : 11/10/1981
      author/company : Patrick Mullarky, APX
      available..... : APX-20029
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - Extended fig-Forth (disk)
      version, year  : 1.1 Rev. 2.0, 01/15/82
      author/company : Patrick Mullarky, APX
      available..... : APX-20029
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - fig-FORTH
      version, year  : 1/26/81 and 4/01/82 releases
      author/company : Steven R. Calfee  "Team FORTH"
      available..... : 
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - fig-FORTH
      version, year  : 4/10/82
      author/company : Peter Lipson / Robin Ziegler "Team FORTH"
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      based on 4/1/82 release of fig-FORTH by Steve Calfee

    - fig-FORTH
      version, year  : 5/5/82 - 10/16/82
      author/company : Harald Striepe "Team FORTH"
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      based on 4/10/82 release of fig-FORTH by Lipson/Ziegler

    - fig-FORTH, Antic (disk)
      version, year  : 1.4S REV.H, 18Jun85
      author/company : John Stanley/Antic Magazine "Team FORTH"
      available..... : 
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      based on 10/16/82 release of fig-FORTH by Striepe

    - fun-Forth (disk)
      version, year  : ?
      author/company : Joel Gluck, APX
      available..... : APX-20146
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -

    - Grafik-FORTH
      version, year  : 1990
      author/company : RAI Production
      available..... :
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      based on fig-FORTH 1.4S and TURBO-GRAPHICS-SYSTEM 256

    - MesaForth
      version, year  : 12/03/81
      author/company : ?
      available..... : 
      package....... : language, source code, documents, examples
      features...... : -
      based on 6502 fig-Forth. The major difference is in the size of the
      screen on disk (512 bytes instead of 1024 bytes).
      Runs under ATARI DOS 2.0S.

    - QS FORTH
      version, year  : 1.0, 3/27/81
      author/company : James Abanese / [QS] Quality Software
      available..... : 
      package....... : Editor, Assembler, I/O routines
                       Single Density 5.25 Floppy and Manual in Binder
      features...... : Editor, Assembler, I/O Routines.
      based on fig-FORTH.

    - Turbo-4th
      version, year  : January 1985
      author/company : Steven R. Calfee
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      compatible with fig-FORTH and Team FORTH. It's fast.
      Not threaded, it is a true compiler

    - ValForth (disk)
      version, year  : 1.1, 1982
      author/company : Valpar International
      available..... : ?
      package....... : (8) disks in the set including: 1)master disk,
      2)display formatter, 3)text compression and auto text formatting,
      4)valDOS-I, 5)valDOS-II, 6)player-missile graphics, character editor and
      sound editor, 7)general utilities and video editor, 8) Turtle &
      valGraphics and advanced floating point routines.
      features...... : -
      based on fig-FORTH

    - X-FORTH
      version, year  : 26 Jan 2003
      author/company : Carsten Strotmann
      available..... : 
      package....... : binary, source, disk image with samples & editor
      features...... : aims to be compatible with new ANSI standard.
                       works with normal DOS.


    - PILOT with "Turtle" Graphics (cart; cart + tape)
      version, year  : 1981, c1980
      author/company : Atari
      available..... : ?
      package....... : Two packages sold:
      1) PILOT with "Turtle Graphics" (CXL4018) includes:
         * PILOT Programming Language cartridge CXL4018
         * Student PILOT: Reference Guide CO17811 Rev1 (1981)
         * PILOT Pocket Reference Card C017812 Rev.2 (1981)
      2) PILOT with "Turtle Graphics" Educator's Kit (CX405) includes:
         * PILOT Programming Language cartridge CXL4018
         * PILOT Primer: The PILOT Programming Language Instruction Manual
           CO17809 REV.1 (c1980 DYMAX)
         * Student PILOT: Reference Guide CO17811 Rev1 (1981)
         * PILOT Pocket Reference Card C017812 Rev.2 (1981)
         * 2 Demonstration Program Cassettes
           - CX4113 Cassette A, Side 1: PILOT Programs for Children
                    Cassette A, Side 2: A PILOT Teaching Program
           - CX4113 Cassette B, Side 1: PILOT "Turtle Graphics" Demonstration
                    Cassette B, Side 2: PILOT Do-It-Yourself Slide Show 
         * PILOT Demonstration Programs: Users Guide C01780 REV.1 (1981)
         * binder CA017805 REV. 1
      features...... : -


    - Atari Logo (cart)
      version, year  : 1983
      author/company : Logo Computer Systems Inc. (LCSI), published by Atari
      available..... : ?
      package....... : Three packages sold:
      1) Atari Logo: Programming Language Cartridge (RX8032) contains: 
         * Atari Logo Computer Program cartridge RX8032
         * Atari Logo: Quick Reference Guide C061583 (1983)
      2) Atari Logo: Atari Logo User Manuals (BX4208) contains:
         * Atari Logo: Introduction to Programming Through Turtle Graphics
           C061590 (1983)
         * Atari Logo: Reference Manual C061589 (1983)
      3) Logo Kit (KX7079) contains:
         * Atari Logo: Programming Language Cartridge RX8032
         * Atari Logo: Atari Logo User Manuals BX4208
      features...... : -

i) All the rest

    - Action! (cart)
      version, year  : 3.6, 1983
      author/company : Action! Computer Services (Clinton Parker), pub. by OSS
      available..... : ?
      package....... : compiler, editor, monitor and library
      features...... : fast compiler which generates good code
      Needs cartridge for runtime procedures. A PD runtime
      library is also available.
      All variables are static, so recursive routine calls
      are not possible. No floating point type (though a
      PD library should make this possible). No arrays of
      objects (arrays of POINTERS to objects are possible).

    - Extended WSFN, WSFN = Which Stands For Nothing
      version, year  : ?
      author/company : Harry Stewart, APX
      available..... : APX-20026
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      Info at

    - Quick (disk)
      version, year  : 2.0, 1990
      author/company : Raindorf Soft
      available..... : ?
      package....... : ?
      features...... : -
      This is the "poor man's Action!". Same restrictions as
      Action! apply also to Quick. Further restrictions are:
      only simple assignment expressions, no records and no

    - PL65 (disk)
      version, year  : 1.0, 1987
      author/company : Noahsoft
      available..... : commercial, Extremely rare.
      package....... : compiler, editor, library, sample game
      features...... : Similar features to Action with same restrictions.
      Highly flexible language that includes inline assembler features and
      pointers. Robust and well-engineered editor. Does not require
      additional runtime library - automatically generated and included in
      the compiled code during compilation.

    - Test Computer Language (disk)
      version, year  : 2.2, 1985-1990
      author/company : D.Firth
      available..... : public domain, ?
      package....... : compiler and editor
      features...... : -

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM