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Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 5.3) How can my Atari utilize my PC's modem/network?

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 5.2) What other modems can I use with my Atari?
Next Document: 5.4) What networking hardware is there for the Atari?
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==> Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE), by Steven Tucker

David A. Paterson writes:
"Steven J. Tucker took SIO2PC one better and wrote new software.
The Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE for short):

- lets your PC act as high-speed drives.
- It lets you print to your PC printer.
- And it lets you use your PC modem on the 8-bit."

Greg Goodwin writes (2005):
Steven Tucker made this wonderful ability in the Windows version of Atari
Peripheral Emulator (APE, the program and cable that lets you make a PC an
Atari's  :D)  There is a great ability to tap into the PC's
Internet.  Bring up the APE program on the PC, BobTerm on the Atari, and
BobTerm will notice the Internet out there.  Now you can enter in a telnet
address and it will take you right to it.  Nice and basically cheap setup, and
great way to take advantage of the Internet setup on your PC.

==> Sio2OSX, by Mark Grebe

Sio2OSX is a peripheral emulator for the Atari 8-bit computers that allows
the Atari computer to use an OSX based Macintosh as a disk drive, a cassette
drive, and a printer. Sio2OSX performs functions similar to APE or SIO2PC on
Windows based computers.

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 5.2) What other modems can I use with my Atari?
Next Document: 5.4) What networking hardware is there for the Atari?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM