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Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 3.3) How do I run a program from cassette?

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Previous Document: 3.2) What other cassette recorders can I use with my Atari?
Next Document: 3.4) What are the Atari 810, 815, 1050, and XF551 Disk Drives?
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To run an Atari BASIC program from cassette:

1. Place the cassette in the recorder.
2. Press REWIND of FORWARD, if necessary, to bring the tape to the position
   where the program is located.
3. Boot the computer to the Atari BASIC READY prompt.
4. There are several possibilities for the next step, depending on how the
   program was saved, and whether you want to run the program or just load
   it into RAM.  Enter one of the following four commands:
   a. CLOAD                       loads programs saved with CSAVE
   b. LOAD "C:"                   loads programs saved with SAVE "C:"
   c. ENTER "C:"                  loads programs saved with LIST "C:"
   d. RUN "C:"                    loads&runs programs saved with SAVE "C:"

] Relative efficiency of the three cassette tape recording techniques:
] CSAVE/CLOAD - short inter-record gap - fastest speed - tokenized files
] SAVE "C:"/LOAD "C:" - long inter-record gap - middle speed - tokenized files
] LIST "C:"/ENTER "C:" - long inter-record gap - slowest - straight ATASCII -
]                        tape actually stops in between block reads/writes

5. The computer will "beep" as a signal for you to press PLAY on the recorder.
6. Press the RETURN key on the computer keyboard, and the program will load
   into the computer.
7. Press STOP on the recorder when loading has finished.
8. Unless you entered RUN "C:" above, now enter the command: RUN

To run a machine language program from cassette upon startup:

1. Place the cassette in the recorder
2. Press REWIND of FORWARD, if necessary, to bring the tape to the position
   where the program is located.
3. Turn on the computer while holding down the START key.
   If your computer has Atari BASIC built-in, hold down both the START key and
   the OPTION key.
4. The computer will "beep" as a signal for you to press PLAY on the recorder.
5. Let go of the START/OPTION button(s).
6. Press the RETURN key on the computer keyboard, and the program will load
   into the computer.
7. Press STOP on the recorder when loading is complete and the program is

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 3.2) What other cassette recorders can I use with my Atari?
Next Document: 3.4) What are the Atari 810, 815, 1050, and XF551 Disk Drives?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM