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Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 3.1) What are the Atari 410, 1010, XC11, and XC12 Program Recorders?

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
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Next Document: 3.2) What other cassette recorders can I use with my Atari?
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The Atari Program Recorders provide storage and retrieval of programs
and data on cassette tape.  In addition to the digital track that stores
computer data, a second audio track is provided to play music or voice
as the program runs.

Data transmission rate: 600 bits per second.
Data storage capacity: 100,000 bytes per 60-minute cassette.
Track configuration: 4 track, 2 channel (digital data and audio track)

410 Program Recorder
- early Japan version had a carrying handle
- most versions made in Hong Kong
- 410a--Taiwan version
- built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain
- power - plugs directly into wall (most versions)
- "410 P" version (rare).  Karl Heller writes:
  "It came in the white 410 box with an Atari yellow/orange paper slip
   stating which power supply to use with it."
   See also:

1010 Program Recorder
- Chelco version has Stop/Eject, then Pause buttons
- Sanyo version has Pause, then Stop/Eject buttons
- two SIO ports

XC11 Program Recorder
- has a built-in SIO cable and one SIO port

XC12 Program Recorder
- built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain

Upgrades for the Atari Program Recorders
Andreas Koch writes:  (2004.05.24)
  - turbo 6000: a turbo tape enhancement built in the former GDR (German
  Democratic Republic); it worked with 6000 Baud and required special
  loading/saving programs that were available as disk-files and also as
Information on the Turbo 6000 Baud Interface and the Chaos Loader:

  - turbo 2000: a turbo tape enhancement built in Poland or the former
  Czechoslovakia; it worked with different speeds (ranging from 600 Baud
  to approx. 9600 Baud?) depending on the program itself and the transfer
  program; also required a special loading/saving program, available as
  disk-files and cartridges;
For more information on the Turbo 2000 (T2000) and SuperTurbo modifications
to Atari program recorders, with speeds up 9600 baud, see

  - rambit turbo tape: a turbo tape enhancement built in the UK by Richard
  Gore and sold by Microdiscount (Derek Fern); it worked with 9600 Baud
  and came with some special software on disk; Microdiscount also sold
  many of its own commercial programs (Zeppelin games, etc.) on Rambit
  turbo tape...

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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 2.2) What is artifacting?
Next Document: 3.2) What other cassette recorders can I use with my Atari?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM