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[sci.astro] Cosmology (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (9/9)
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Top Document: [sci.astro] Cosmology (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (9/9)
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: I.01. What do we know about the properties of the Universe?
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[All entries last edited on 1998-02-28, unless otherwise noted.]

 I.01 What do we know about the properties of the Universe? 
 I.02 Why do astronomers favor the Big Bang model of the Universe?
 I.03 Where is the center of the Universe?
 I.04 What do people mean by an "open," "flat," or "closed" Universe?
 I.05 If the Universe is expanding, what about me? or the Earth? or
      the Solar System?
 I.06 What is inflation?
 I.07 How can the Big Bang (or inflation) be right?  Doesn't it
	violate the idea that nothing can move faster than light?
	(Also, can objects expand away from us faster than the speed
	of light?)
 I.08 If the Universe is only 10 billion years old, how can we see
	objects that are now 30 billion light years away?  Why isn't
	the most distant object we can see only 5 billion light years
 I.09 How can the oldest stars in the Universe be older than the
 I.10 What is the Universe expanding into?
 I.11 Are galaxies really moving away from us or is space-time just
 I.12 How can the Universe be infinite if it was all concentrated into
	a point at the Big Bang?
 I.13 Why haven't the cosmic microwave background photons outrun the
	galaxies in the Big Bang? 
 I.14 Can the cosmic microwave background be redshifted starlight?
 I.15 Why is the sky dark at night? (Olbers' paradox) [2001-10-02]
 I.16 What about objects with discordant redshifts?
 I.17 Since energy is conserved, where does the energy of redshifted
	photons go? [1998-12-03]
 I.18 There are different ways to measure distances in cosmology?

This section of the FAQ is largely extracted from Ned Wright's
Cosmology Tutorial,
<URL:>, and was
written jointly by Ned Wright and Joseph Lazio, unless otherwise noted.

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Top Document: [sci.astro] Cosmology (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (9/9)
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: I.01. What do we know about the properties of the Universe?

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