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[sci.astro] General (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (2/9)
Section - B.02 What are the largest telescopes?

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Top Document: [sci.astro] General (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (2/9)
Previous Document: B.01 What good is astronomy anyway? What has it contributed to society?
Next Document: B.03 What new telescopes/instruments are being built?
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	William Keel <>,
        Joseph Lazio <>,
	Steve Willner <>, Jennifer Imamura

The "largest" telescope is a bit difficult to determine.  One can
obtain many different answers, depending upon the adjectives placed in
front of "largest."  Nonetheless, what follows is one such list.  

A list of astronomical instruments is also at
<URL:>, and a list of
large optical telescopes is at

A list of space-based observatories is at

(Optical/Infrared telescopes, nighttime)

The list below gives the largest optical telescopes operating today.
For complicated pupil shapes, the effective aperture diameter is
given.  Location is geographic; we omit most organizational details,
amusing and intricate as they may be.  The list has been truncated at
3 m because there are so many telescopes of that size or smaller.
URL's are given where known.

Aperture  Name              Location 
10.0      Keck I            Mauna Kea, Hawaii
   (mirror composed of 36 segments)
 6.5      Multiple Mirror   Mt. Hopkins, Arizona
   (6 mirrors, 1.8 m each; see also B.03)
 6.0      BTA               Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia
   (Bolshoi Teleskop Azimutalnyi = Large Altazimuth Telescope)
 5.0      Hale              Palomar Mountain, California
 4.2  William Herschel      La Palma, Canary Islands
 4.0  Victor Blanco	    Cerro Tololo, Chile
 4.0  Mayall                Kitt Peak, Arizona
 3.9  Anglo-Australian      Siding Spring, Australia
 3.8  UK Infrared           Mauna Kea, Hawaii
 3.6  ESO                   Cerro La Silla, Chile
 3.6  Canada-France-Hawaii  Mauna Kea, Hawaii
 3.5  New Technology        Cerro La Silla, Chile
 3.5  MPI-CAHA              Calar Alto, Spain
 3.5  ARC                   Apache Point, New Mexico (mostly remote control)
 3.5  WIYN                  Kitt Peak, Arizona
 3.5  Starfire		    Kirtland AFB, New Mexico
 3.0  Shane                 Mount Hamilton, California
 3.0  NASA IRTF             Mauna Kea, Hawaii

Other telescopes of note:

Solar Telescope:

Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG), six sites around the world
  for velocity imaging 

Largest single dish radio telescope: Arecibo Observatory
  (Nat. Astron. & Ionosphere Center, Cornell U.)  305-m, Puerto Rico

Largest fully-steerable single dish radio telescope: Max Planck
  Institut fuer Radioastronomie, 100 m, Effelsburg, Germany

Largest millimeter wave radio telescope: Nobeyama Radio Observatory,
  45m, Japan

Largest sub-millimeter radio telescope: James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
  (Joint Astron. Center = UK, Canada, Netherlands), Mauna Kea, 15 m

Largest (connected-element) radio interferometric arrays: 
  Very Large Array (NRAO, New Mexico), 
  27 dishes, each 26.4 m effective diameter
  The maximum separation between antennas is ~35 km.

  MERLIN (NRAL, University of Manchester, UK)
  up to 8 dishes, various specifications. 
  The maximum separation between antennae is 217 km (between the
  Cambridge and Knockin dishes). 
  [MERLIN actually uses radio links between the antenna elements, so
  maybe it should go into a separate category.]

Longest-baseline (dedicated) radio interferometric array: Very Long
  Baseline Array (NRAO), 10 dishes, each 26.4 m effective diameter,
  United States. The maximum separation between antennas is ~8600 km,
  between the islands of St. Croix and Hawaii.

HALCA (ISAS), 8 m dish, in Earth orbit

Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) (ESA)


Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) (NASA)

International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) [defunct] (NASA, PPARC and ESA)


Chandra, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (NASA)

X-Ray Astronomy Satellite (SAX) (ESA)

X-Ray Timing Explorer (XTE) (NASA), 2 instruments: PCA & HEXTE


Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT) (MPE)

Einstein, the second High Energy Astronomy Observatory (HEAO-B) [defunct]
   (NASA), 5 instruments: IPC, HRI, SSS, FPCS, & OGS


Fred Lawrence Whipple Gamma-Ray Observatory (SAO), a 10 m and 11 m

CANGAROO (U. Adelaide & Nippon), 4 4-m cameras

Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (NASA) [space-based], 
   4 instruments: OSSE, EGRET, COMPTEL, & BATSE

Cosmic ray:

The High Resolution Fly's Eye Cosmic Ray Detector HiRes 

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Top Document: [sci.astro] General (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (2/9)
Previous Document: B.01 What good is astronomy anyway? What has it contributed to society?
Next Document: B.03 What new telescopes/instruments are being built?

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