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Section - Where can I find a simple introduction to NNs?

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Top Document: FAQ, Part 1 of 7: Introduction
Previous Document: What is a neural network (NN)?
Next Document: Are there any online books about NNs?
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Several excellent introductory books on NNs are listed in part 4 of the FAQ
under "Books and articles about Neural Networks?" If you want a book with
minimal math, see "The best introductory book for business executives." 

Dr. Leslie Smith has a brief on-line introduction to NNs with examples and
diagrams at 

If you are a Java enthusiast, see Jochen Fröhlich's diploma at

For a more detailed introduction, see Donald Tveter's excellent
Backpropagator's Review at or, which contains both answers to
additional FAQs and an annotated neural net bibliography emphasizing on-line

StatSoft Inc. has an on-line Electronic Statistics Textbook, at that includes a chapter on
neural nets as well as many statistical topics relevant to neural nets. 

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Top Document: FAQ, Part 1 of 7: Introduction
Previous Document: What is a neural network (NN)?
Next Document: Are there any online books about NNs?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM