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Artificial Intelligence FAQ: Open Source AI Software 6/6 [Monthly posting]
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Top Document: Artificial Intelligence FAQ: Open Source AI Software 6/6 [Monthly posting]
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   AISEARCH is a C++ class library for search algorithms implemented by 
   Peter Bouthoorn <>. It includes implementations of
   DFS, BFS, uniform cost, best-first, bidirectional DFS/BFS, and AND/OR
   DFS/BFS search algorithms. It is available by anonymous ftp from as or aisearch.tar.Z.

Simulated Annealing:

   ASA (Adaptive Simulated Annealing) is a powerful global optimization
   C-code algorithm especially useful for nonlinear and/or stochastic
   systems. Most current copies can be obtained by anonymous ftp from []

   an uncompressed version, asa, also is in that archive.  There are several
   related (p)reprints in the Caltech archive, including,
   "Simulated annealing: Practice versus theory." The first VFSR code was
   developed by Lester Ingber in 1987, and the reprint of that paper is, "Very fast simulated re-annealing".  If you cannot use
   ftp or ftpmail, then copies of the code are also available by email
   from the author at To be added to the
   mailing list, send mail to

   The VFSR code was made publicly available in 1992 under the GNU GPL, by
   Lester Ingber and Bruce Rosen.  The last version of that code before
   the introduction of ASA is available via anonymous ftp from  Bruce Rosen has a comparison
   study, "Function Optimization based on Advanced Simulated Annealing,"
   which is available via anonymous ftp from
   [VFSR is no longer supported, but ASA is. --mk]


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User Contributions:

Apr 4, 2023 @ 1:13 pm
You actually said it wonderfully!
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Top Document: Artificial Intelligence FAQ: Open Source AI Software 6/6 [Monthly posting]
Previous Document: [6-13] Temporal Reasoning - Truth Maintenance

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM