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REPOST: Artificial Intelligence FAQ: AI Web Directories & Online Papers 5/6 [Monthly posting]
Section - [5-1] Repositories and directories not aimed primarily at researchers

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Top Document: REPOST: Artificial Intelligence FAQ: AI Web Directories & Online Papers 5/6 [Monthly posting]
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AI Topics:
   Presented by AAAI, AI Topics is a "...web site provided ... for
   students, teachers, journalists, and everyone who would like to
   learn more about what artificial intelligence is, and what AI
   scientists do.

   [Their] goal is to offer a limited number of authoritative,
   non-technical resources that [they] have organized and annotated
   to provide you with meaningful access to basic information about
   the AI universe. Each of the AI Topics (see the navigation buttons
   to the left) will lead you to online and in-print sources of

   There has been an explosion in the number of Websites that catalog
   locations of AI information in a Yahoo-style directory.  Although they
   often duplicate functionality, in the interest of fairness, I will list all
   the ones I know about here.

Neuron AI Directory 

Neural Network Information in Polish:

Generation 5:

   "Generation5 is aimed at presenting a website that will educate the
   viewer on Artificial Intelligence -- whatever the level of
   expertise. We have essays on the applications and history of AI for
   those unfamiliar, to essays on programming and philosophy, all the way
   to full blown mathematically-orientated essays on genetic algorithms
   and neural networks.  Generation5 prides itself also in its interviews
   sections with exclusive interviews from top AI scientists like Marvin
   Minsky, Craig Reynolds, Roger Schank, Andre LaMothe and many
   others. Generation5 also has a comprehensive collection of original
   programs, all with source included. Demonstration programs like image
   recognizors, number recognizors, cellular automata creators, NLP
   demonstrator and more. All programs have an accompanying essay
   describing the workings of the programs.

   The aim of Generation5 is not only to educate the viewer, but to allow
   the viewer to contribute to further other people's knowledge. They can
   do this through the discussion boards, voting systems, and soon
   through AI Solutions (a scheme to submit code - with a accompanying
   monthly competition)."

Yahoo Clubs:
   Yahoo maintains a number of AI clubs.  There is the general
   AI Group, an online community that discusses AI (a resource
   for beginners).  Their website is:

   There is also a resource for amateur robot enthusiasts at:

   Hubat automatically generates subject hierarchies of links.
   Interesting because it had to take some AI to build the engine.

Pentomino Site:
   Student run site at T.I.D. Ronse Belgium on searching Pentomino

User Contributions:

Apr 4, 2023 @ 1:13 pm
You actually said it wonderfully!
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Top Document: REPOST: Artificial Intelligence FAQ: AI Web Directories & Online Papers 5/6 [Monthly posting]
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Next Document: [5-2] Repositories aimed primarily for researchers

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM