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FAQ: Expert System Shells 1/1 [Monthly posting]
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Top Document: FAQ: Expert System Shells 1/1 [Monthly posting]
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In addition to the free expert system shells listed below, the Prolog
Resource Guide lists a variety of Prolog implementations and products.
In addition to being backward-chaining systems, many Prolog
implementations provide support for forward-chaining rules and other
expert systems requirements. For example, Amzi! Inc. sells Dennis
Merritt's book, "Building Expert Systems in Prolog", Springer-Verlag,
1989, for $52 (see entry in bibliography below).

The July/August 1992 issue of PC AI magazine includes their annual
product guide for expert systems and related tools. AI Expert Magazine
publishes an "Expert Systems Resource Guide" once per year, usually in

The February 1991 issue of IEEE Computer has an article about Expert
System Tools. Another article of possible interest is "Selection
Criteria for Expert System Shells: A Socio-Technical Framework", by
Anthony C. Stylianou, Gregory R. Madey, and Robert D.  Smith, CACM
35(10):30-48, October 1992.

The AI FAQ contains pointers to other resources that may be of
interest to readers of this FAQ. If you can't find the information
you're looking for here, try looking in the AI FAQ. The AI FAQ is
posted monthly to the newsgroup and is also available from the
anonymous ftp locations mentioned above.

The Prime Time Freeware for AI CD-ROM collection includes several expert
system shells, including Babylon, CLIPS, ESIE, Frulekit, and OPS5, among
others. The sells (list) for $60 US plus applicable sales tax and
shipping and handling charges. Payable through Visa, Mastercard, postal
money orders in US funds, and checks in US funds drawn on a US bank. For
more information write to Prime Time Freeware, 370 Altair Way, Suite
150, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA, call 408-433-9662, fax 408-433-0727, or
send email to

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