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Section - 14. What Widgets are available?

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There are three popular widget sets:

Athena	- The set provided with X11.  This is sufficient for most
	  purposes but is on the ugly side.  Recently, a 3d look is
	  available for ftp on file://
Motif	- From OSF available for a license fee and commonly shipped on
	  many workstation vendors platforms (almost everyone but
	  Sun).  It looks good and works well but personally I think
	  it is poorly implemented.
OLIT	- The Open Look Intrinsics Toolkit is a set of widgets
	  implementing Sun's Open Look specification.  Developed by
	  AT&T.  I've never used it so can't comment on its quality.
	  I've heard rumours that it is a pain to actually get.

In addition the following collection of widgets are also available:

Xtra	- a library of widgets for sale from Graphical Software
	  Technology (310-328-9338).  It includes bar graph, stacked
	  bar graph, line graph, pie chart, xy plot, hypertext, help,
	  spreadsheet, and data entry form widgets.  I've never seen
	  them so I can't comment.
FWF	- The Free Widget Foundation is attempting to collect a set of
	  freely available widgets.  Included are a Pixmap editor,
	  FileDialog, and a few others.  The current set of widgets
	  can be obtained via anonymous ftp from the machine ( in the file pub/fwf.shar.Z.
Xcu	- The Cornell University widgets from Gene Dykes.  One of the
	  early widget sets released.  Provides a nice appearance for
	  buttons and has a mini command language.  Probably not so
	  widely used.
Xs	- The Sony widget set.  This was around during R3 days but
	  seemed to disappear.  It looked like it had promise.
Xw	- The HP widgets.  The precursor to Motif.  Originally written
	  for R3 there exists diffs to get it to work under R4 & R5.
	  Again, a pretty good widget set but has more or less died.
	  The precursor to this was the Xray toolkit which was
	  originally implemented for X10R4 and apparently provided
	  much experience for the designers of Xt.
Xo	- A widget set I'm working on.  It's still primitive but you
	  can give it a try in*

The following specialized widgets are also available:

Tbl	- Implements a tabular layout of widgets.  Supports Motif
	  widgets as children.  Part of Wcl.
Plots	- The Athena Plotting widgets (not the Athena widgets).
	  Contact or joe@Athena.MIT.EDU.

John L. Cwikla ( posts an FAQ list that contains freely
available widgets; it is in:


	A much more exciting version of this FAQ, complete with pictures,
links, and more complete documentation is available at

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Previous Document: 13.!What good books and magazines are there on Xt?
Next Document: 15. What alternatives to the Intrinsics are there?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM