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comp.sys.3b1 FAQ part2
Section - 7.7. What are the consequences of "fsck -s" (salvaging the freelist)?

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	Jim Adams sent some information regarding the uses (and
dangers) of salvaging the freelist using the fsck(1M) command.

	fsck(1M) provides a method of salvaging and reconstructing the
freelist maintained by the UNIX filesystem.  It is dangerous to
haphazardly do anything with the filesystem, as well as just
reconstructing the freelist.  If the filesystem isn't in a good state,
it's possible that the freelist could be further damaged by just
salvaging it.  fsck(1M) will salvage the freelist when necessary, or
when the question "SALVAGE (Y/N)?" is answered "yes".

	Jim has said that the alternative method, fsck -S, should be
used if you wish to salvage the freelist.  The salvage will only be
done if the filesystem is properly constructed, and nothing damaging
could occur by its reconstruction.  If errors are found during the
fsck phases, other than errors like "POSSIBLE FILE SIZE ERROR I=nnn"
(which occurs from sparse files, also known as files with holes in
them) the salvage will not be done.

	fsck(1M) is designed to be run on a mounted root filesystem,
so long as the block device is used and the system is in a quiet
state.  fsck(1M) can be run on the raw/character device when
the filesystem isn't mounted, and this is generally much faster.
fsck(1M) will automatically reboot the system without sync'ing, if the
"mounted" root filesystem was modified, just as you should (since the
in-core image of the filesystem would be different).  There is no
"re-mount" facility on the UNIX PC, otherwise the root filesystem
could just be remounted.

	Another suggestion made was to run "fsck -D" to check
directories for bad blocks.  This takes longer, but is considered
worth it.  (fsck -D is similar to the MSDOS CHKDSK facility.)

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Top Document: comp.sys.3b1 FAQ part2
Previous Document: 7.6. Can I run SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) on my UNIX PC?
Next Document: 7.8. What does the "-s" option to dismount do?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM