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comp.sys.3b1 FAQ part1
Section - 1.3. What are the "OSU Archives"?

( Part1 - Part2 - Single Page )
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Top Document: comp.sys.3b1 FAQ part1
Previous Document: 1.2. What is the operating system? Its origins?
Next Document: 1.4. Who supports these machines? Are there any user groups?
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	OSU-CIS is an Ohio State University computer system which
holds a very large selection of UNIX-PC-related programs and files.
David Brierley ( is the current maintainer
of the archives.  Ohio State graciously allows both anonymous FTP and
UUCP access to this archive.  For FTP from the Internet, access is via
the machine (IP address:

This is the URL for the OSU archives ftp access.

Dave Brierley has also now added www access to the UNIX-PC archives with
this URL.

They recommend the following L.sys (Systems) entries:

	# Direct Trailblazer
	# dead, dead, dead...sigh.  for the 3rd time in as many months.
	#osu-cis Any ACU 19200 1-614-292-5112 in:--in:--in: Uanon
	# Direct V.32 (MNP 4)
	# dead, dead, dead...sigh.
	#osu-cis Any ACU 9600 1-614-292-1153 in:--in:--in: Uanon
	# Micom port selector, at 1200, 2400, or 9600 bps.
	# Replace ##'s below with 12, 24, or 96 (both speed and phone number).
	# Can't use MNP with V.32 on -3196
	osu-cis Any ACU ##00 1-614-292-31## "" \r\c Name? osu-cis nected \c GO \d\r\d\r\d\r\d\r\d\r\d\r\d\r in:--in:--in: Uanon

	The file ~/att7300/README.Z contains a detailed list of the
archive's contents and should be the first thing to get.

	Another source of software for Internet-connected sites is the
anonymous FTP area on  Andy Fyfe
( maintains new versions of TeX and GNU utilities
in the pub/3b1 directory.

[Ed. Note: As far as I know the archive at for the
           3b1 has been shut down, everything in the caltech archives
	   is mirrored in the OSU archives in ~/pub/att7300/csvax ]

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Top Document: comp.sys.3b1 FAQ part1
Previous Document: 1.2. What is the operating system? Its origins?
Next Document: 1.4. Who supports these machines? Are there any user groups?

Part1 - Part2 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM