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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 2/9
Section - [DC Comics] Star Trek Annuals (first series)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 2/9
Previous Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek (first series)
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01	Oct 85	All those years ago
Kirk's first mission aboard the Enterprise. Christopher Pike
("The Menagerie") hands over command of the Enterprise to Kirk
and stays aboard to catch a ride to his next posting. The
Enterprise encounters an alien race that Pike met once before.
(Mike W. Barr; David Ross, Bob Smith;)

02	Sep 86	The final voyage
The last mission of the Enterprise. Klingons under command of
Koloth ("The Trouble With Tribbles"), have taken over Talos IV
and learned the power of casting illusions from the Talosians
("The Menagerie"). The Enterprise is lured to Talos IV for a
confrontation with the Klingons.
(Mike W. Barr; Dan Jurgens, Bob Smith; Villagran, ?)

03	1988	Retrospect
After the death of his first love and wife, Scotty remembers
their brief moments together all the way back to childhood.
(Peter David; Curt Swan, Ricardo Villagran; Gray Morrow)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 2/9
Previous Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek (first series)
Next Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek (movie adaptations)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM