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Ferret FAQ [3/5] - Training and Behavior
Section - (8.5) Is he really just asleep?

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Top Document: Ferret FAQ [3/5] - Training and Behavior
Previous Document: (8.4) My ferret is losing hair!
Next Document: (8.6) What does such-and-such a noise mean?
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In general, ferrets sleep quite a bit, even adults.  A two- to four-
hour playtime followed by a several-hour nap is typical.  Ferrets
sometimes appear to be sleeping with their eyes partly open, and they
sleep very heavily, often not waking even when picked up.  You can
take advantage of this and try to cut their nails while they're
asleep.  It means you have to be especially careful where you walk and
sit, though.

User Contributions:

Sep 6, 2023 @ 7:19 pm
Is there a way I can get certification that my ferrets are descented?

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Ferret FAQ [3/5] - Training and Behavior
Previous Document: (8.4) My ferret is losing hair!
Next Document: (8.6) What does such-and-such a noise mean?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM