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comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ part 1/5
Section - - Is comp.os.msdos.programmer just for C programmers?

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 No, it is for all programmers who want to share information about
 programming in MS-DOS and DOS replacements like 4DOS. Programs and
 questions are also posted in Pascal, assembly, and other languages
 (including MS-DOS batch programming).

 Why does the newsgroup seem to be so C-oriented sometimes? There are two
 reasons. First, comp.lang.c and comp.lang.pascal have evolved in
 different directions. Comp.lang.pascal has split into discussions about
 individual Pascal compilers. comp.lang.pascal.borland welcomes
 discussion specific to Turbo Pascal, and the other new groups likewise.
 Turbo Pascal programmers tend to find DOS questions welcomed in
 comp.lang.pascal.borland, so that comp.os.msdos.programmer gets less of
 the "DOS in Turbo Pascal" traffic. On the other hand, comp.lang.c has
 stayed closer to talking only about the C language, and vendor-specific
 or operating-system-specific questions are not welcome. This tends to
 push questions about disks, DOS file structure, video, the keyboard,
 TSRs, etc. to comp.os.msdos.programmer even when those programs are
 written in C.

 This FAQ is definitely C-oriented, not because that's necessarily best
 but because I tried to stick to what I could verify personally. As a C
 programmer (with some assembler), I could most carefully verify
 solutions in C or assembler. I felt that short, clear programs could be
 published in just one language and programmers could translate them into
 their languages of choice. But the FAQ list also contains several long
 programs written only in C; this is a defect with no obvious remedy.
 Most answers that point to source code at archive sites include both C-
 and Pascal- language source when available.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM