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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
Section - Question 20.11: Are there any Jewish Libraries on the Internet?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
Previous Document: Question 20.10: What other Jewish software is available?
Next Document: Question 20.12: I'm interesting in ordering books or music on the internet. Where should I look?
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   This question is yet another example of how the times have changed.
   When the FAQ stared, there were few libraries on the Internet; the few
   that were available were accessible only via telnet (terminal
   emulation) and VT100 emulation.
   Today, there are many libraries on the Internet:
     * University of Haifa Library ([5]
     * Hebrew University: Jewish National and University Library
     * Jewish Theological Seminary. ([7]
     * Jewish Public Library (Montreal CANADA)
     * New York Public Library, Jewish Division
     * Haifa Library. ([10]
     * Jewish Community Library of Los Angeles
     * Chabad Lubavitch Library. ([12]
     * Albert and Temmy Latner Jewish Public Library of Toronto, Toronto,
       Ontario, CANADA.
   Princeton University maintains a list of Jewish Libraries at
   [14] Another source of
   information is the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) at

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