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soc.genealogy.german Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 1/4
Section - 5. Can you help me with surname ABCDEF?

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Top Document: soc.genealogy.german Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 1/4
Previous Document: 4. What introductory or general books should I read?
Next Document: 6. Where can I register/find my surnames?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
     Simple surname queries without any supporting information are
     strongly discouraged.  For most surnames, there are simply too
     many individuals with the same name for a surname request to be
     useful.  To make success more probable, you must supply as much
     information as you can, including the surname(s) and given names;
     place(s) of residence (in Germany and elsewhere); dates of birth,
     emigration, marriage, and death; religious affiliation; associated
     family names; and any other information you may have.  Include
     also what sources you have consulted, successfully or not, in
     your search.  Be concise but informative.  Make your question
     clear.  Use an informative subject line like this:

       SCHMIDT; Neustadt i.Holstein,SCN,DEU > Boston,MA,USA; 1873-1924

     Many people prefer that surnames be written in all caps to aid
     visual scanning.  Make your placenames unambiguous (Neustadt an der
     Weinstrasse; Frankfurt am Main).  Avoid imprecise dates like
     "the late 1800s" (does that mean 1850-1899 or 1805-1809?).

     Be advised that it is unlikely that you will find someone willing
     to do extensive research for you for free unless he or she is
     related to the subject of your search.  However, you may receive
     valuable advice that may turn your dead end into a new lead.  If
     you are lucky, you may find someone who is also researching along
     the same lines (same family, location, event, or resource) and
     then you can both profit by sharing notes.

     Also, common courtesy would require that, when you receive advice
     or leads, you act on them before repeating the query.

User Contributions:

I'm trying to find German Naval records (Prussian navy I believe) for my Uncle who served in Trieste, Italy from approx. 1879 to 1890 from that port. (and he traveled around the world). I need some advice, any advice, on how I could find a record of him being there or even any record of him being in the German Navy there. A genealogist that could help, or where the records might be housed. I did see on another post that some German records were destroyed in Berlin in 1945, but I don't know those details. I appreciate any comments. Thank you.
I think I am looking for a needle in a haystack. Want to find my ancestor, name is Wolfgang AUMANN, of Grafenkirche, Germany, who fought with Napoleon as a mercenary. Maybe a book titled Koniglich-Baierisches Reigierungsblatt.
Thank you
Doris Dunlap
Oct 30, 2021 @ 3:15 pm
How do I find my Father's POW records. He was in WWI, Prussian military. Infanterie Regiment 140. He was captured in France, but said the POW camp guards were British.
Dec 21, 2021 @ 5:17 pm
How do I find my grandfathers war records. He was stationed at the eastern front in WW2 then captured and was POW in England

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Top Document: soc.genealogy.german Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 1/4
Previous Document: 4. What introductory or general books should I read?
Next Document: 6. Where can I register/find my surnames?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM