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soc.genealogy.german Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 1/4
Section - 2. Table of Contents

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Top Document: soc.genealogy.german Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 1/4
Previous Document: 1. Subject and intent
Next Document: 3. How can I start researching my German or German-American family?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
-- Part 1
1.  Subject and Intent
2.  Table of Contents
3.  How can I start researching my German or German-American family?
4.  What introductory or general books should I read?
5.  Can you help me with surname ABCDEF?
6.  Where can I register/find my surnames?
7.  What are the rules for given names?
-- Part 2
8.  Where is the town/village Xyz?
9.  How do I find an address or phone number?
10.  How can I find out what village my ancestor came from?
11.  What about the German census?
12.  How about German cemeteries?
13.  What does my German surname mean?
14.  Is my family from a town with a name like their surname?
15.  How can I learn about German noble families?
-- Part 3
16.  Where can I find German military records?
17.  How do I write to a German Standesamt, parish, or archive?
18.  How do I find German postal codes?
19.  I don't know German.  What should I do?
20.  I can't read German handwriting.  What should I do?
21.  What is the basic German genealogical vocabulary?
22.  What are the German umlauts and genealogical symbols?
-- Part 4
23.  How can I send money to Germany?
24.  What is the IGI?
25.  Where can I find passenger lists or ship information?
26.  What is _Germans to America_?
27.  What German archives and/or genealogical organizations are there?
28.  How do I find a book about abc or xyz?
29.  Should I buy a surname/crest/family history book sold by mail?
30.  Where do I go on the Internet for German genealogy?
31.  What are soc.genealogy.german, soc.genealogy.surnames.german,
      and de.sci.genealogie?
32.  Are there other online resources for genealogy?
33.  How can I possibly repay you for all your help?
34.  Acknowledgments

User Contributions:

I'm trying to find German Naval records (Prussian navy I believe) for my Uncle who served in Trieste, Italy from approx. 1879 to 1890 from that port. (and he traveled around the world). I need some advice, any advice, on how I could find a record of him being there or even any record of him being in the German Navy there. A genealogist that could help, or where the records might be housed. I did see on another post that some German records were destroyed in Berlin in 1945, but I don't know those details. I appreciate any comments. Thank you.
I think I am looking for a needle in a haystack. Want to find my ancestor, name is Wolfgang AUMANN, of Grafenkirche, Germany, who fought with Napoleon as a mercenary. Maybe a book titled Koniglich-Baierisches Reigierungsblatt.
Thank you
Doris Dunlap
Oct 30, 2021 @ 3:15 pm
How do I find my Father's POW records. He was in WWI, Prussian military. Infanterie Regiment 140. He was captured in France, but said the POW camp guards were British.
Dec 21, 2021 @ 5:17 pm
How do I find my grandfathers war records. He was stationed at the eastern front in WW2 then captured and was POW in England

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: soc.genealogy.german Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 1/4
Previous Document: 1. Subject and intent
Next Document: 3. How can I start researching my German or German-American family?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM